
Acupressure Pillows reviewed on the Dr. Oz Show for natural pain relief.

Posted at February 24, 2012 | By : | Categories : Uncategorized | 3 Comments

Acupressure Pillows for pain relief reviewed on the Dr. Oz Show

Dr. Oz reviewed acupressure pillows on his show on natural pain relievers last week.  According to Dr. Oz, the acupressure pillow changes the way your nerves react.  Dr Oz had Christina try the acupressure pillow and she said it was comfortable and “this was one product I could use.”

The pillows work using the principles of acupressure to stimulate nerves and acupressure points in the neck and upper head area.  The stimulation by the acupressure pillows stimulate the release of the body’s own pain-relieving hormones – endorphins and oxytocin, and also increased the flow of blood and oxygen to the area treated.  This increase in blood circulation and acupressure point stimulation results in the relaxation of the muscles in the neck, and usually a significant decrease in pain – wheter chronic pain or temporary pain.

The Heavenly acupressure pillows are ergonomically designed for maximum effect and comfort.  The spikes on the Heavenly acupressure pillow are placed where they will stimulate the right points for the most effective relief.

The Heavenly acupressure pillows are very easy to use.  Simply place it under your neck when lying down with the points directly on your bare skin.  The initial sensation may take about 5 minutes to get used to, and is generally followed by a pleasant warm sensation and deep relaxation.   Twenty minutes or more is the optimal amount of time to use the acupressure pillows.

The Heavenly acupressure pillow is a fantastic wellness tool for natural pain relief and is effective for people with neck pain, muscle tension, headaches, migraines, and insomnia.

Use the acupressure pillows together with the Heavenly acupressure mats for a full upper body experience!

Heavenly Acupressure Pillow Blue  Heavenly Acupressrue Mat Green


The Heavenly acupressure mats and pillows are recommended to be used together for full upper body experience!

What some users have said:

I’ve used the Heavenly Mat to alleviate aches and pains – it’s fabulous!    I get headaches and migraines and carry my stress in my neck and shoulders, so I like resting my head and neck on the mat with a towel underneath it.

  The curved pillow is designed to fit naturally underneath my head and neck. I lie down on the pillow and relax. I notice an immediate sense of relief. After about 15-20 minutes, it’s as if my stress and pain have left!   The pillow is very relaxing to use. I would much rather take a little break with the acupressure pillow than take medication. Natural solutions are always my first choice.  – Valerie



  • Khalid

    June 8, 2012 at 7:43 pm

    Stacy, Your review of that mat sounds “heavenly”, no pun intended, to my muscles right now…I’m currently under a heated blanket…if that gives any indication…I’ve never heard of this…but it snouds great…maybe I’ll win one…if not. I still might like into one on my own, and purchase. You will have to continue to update. I’m like you, I don’t believe in something working over night, but if it can bring some relief, that would be WONDERFUL!!! Thanks for sharing!!! Do you know the cost? Thanks Stacy!Erin

  • Pat Nash

    October 3, 2013 at 10:15 pm

    For heaven’s sake Stacy! You got online, so you know how to do research for yourself. Everybody is busy–myself included but just wanted to urge you to be more independent. My accupressure pillow is arriving on a few days and I look forward to it! I’m 64 with chronic pain/spinal problems. This pillow stimulates EnDorphorins (derived from EN endogenous MORPHIN). They are many, many times more potent than morphine. God created us with a safe, powerful, natural morphine–GREAT! Please let us know how it works 4U? Wishing you the best, Pat

  • Pat Nash

    October 3, 2013 at 10:19 pm

    I apologize. I guess I should hve written, Erin–not Stacy. But I do wish you both the very best and hope to hear from you both of your experiences with the spiked but satisfying Heavenly Pillow.

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