
Acupressure mats review on Dr. Oz show, Oprah Winfrey Network

Posted at May 24, 2011 | By : | Categories : Acupressure mats Acupressure mat,Blog | 1 Comment

<?php bloginfo(Heavenly Acupressure Mat Blog:Acupressure Mat Reviewed On Dr. Oz Show | Acupressure Mats & Weight Loss ); ?><?php wp_title(); ?>

The popularity of the acupressure mat is growing quite rapidly as we predicted and acupressure mats have now been featured on the Dr. Oz show, CBS news, New York Times, and numerous other main stream media. 

On CBS News, the main feature of the acupressure mat halsa was back pain relief. 

On the Dr. Oz show, the acupressure mat shown by halsa, had Dr. Oz talking about the wonderful health benefits of using an acupressure mat including promoting weight loss, and back pain relief.  You can get your acupressure mat here now! Acupressure mats are already highly popular in Sweden where more than 1 in 10 Swedes has one.  The word "halsa" is a Swedish word and means "health" in English.

You can order your acupressure mat on or buy it on for only $29.99 while supplies last.

Dr. Oz and many others have tried and tested the acupressure mat.  Improve your health (halsa) with an acupressure mat today!


  • Louise Owens

    February 24, 2012 at 12:42 pm

    I like this! I’ve never tried acupuncture or acupressure before, but this would make a good gift for several people I know. Thanks!

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