
  • How To Meditate With An Acupressure Mat

    Easy Meditation With An Acupressure Mat | How To Meditate With A Heavenly Acupressure Mat You have undoubtedly heard about the benefits of meditation and how quieting the mind, leads to a more relaxed state, reduced stress levels, better sleep, and an overall improvement in our health and well being.  Meditation also heightens our focus and concentration, which  allows us to be more productive. However, when most people think of meditation, they imagine monks at a monastery sitting cross-legged for hours a ...

    Posted at December 21, 2013 | By : | Categories : Acupressure mats Acupressure mat,Blog | 0 Comment
  • Heavenly Acupressure Mats On Dr. Oz Recommended Products Website |

    Heavenly Acupressure Mats On Dr. Oz Recommended Products Website Dr Oz featured acupressure mats and acupressure pillows on his show multiple times.  He recommended the acupressure mats and pillows for weight loss, stress and tension release, headache and migraine relief, increased blood circulation and better sleep.   The acupressure mats were listed as one of Dr. Oz's "weight loss must haves" Many products are recommended by Dr Oz on his show, and if you are like me, you may think, oh, got ...

    Posted at November 18, 2013 | By : | Categories : Blog | 0 Comment
  • Heavenly Acupressure Mats for Natural Pain & Stress Relief, Deep Relaxation, & Wellness.

    Heavenly Acupressure Mats for Natural Pain and Stress Relief, Deep Relaxation, and Wellness. Got Chronic Pain? Stressed Out? Can’t Sleep? Tired of taking pharmaceutical drugs with their numerous side effects? Find out why millions of people worldwide are  now using acupressure mats to help them to naturally Reduce  Pain, Stress, and Anxiety as well as for Deep Relaxation and Wellness.   The success stories are great and so are the results! Acupressure mats have been featured on TV including on CBS News,

    Posted at January 29, 2013 | By : | Categories : Blog | 0 Comment
  • Happy Holidays from Heavenly Acupressure Mats Company

    Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Fantastic New Year! Heavenly acupressure mats and pillows have been a very popular  Christmas gift this year and we trust that your loved ones will benefit from your gift that keeps on giving,  for years to come. Relax, Renew, Recharge, with the Heavenly acupressure mats and pillows! Gratefully, The Heavenly Team

    Posted at December 22, 2011 | By : | Categories : Blog | 0 Comment
  • Heavenly Acupressure Mats & Pillows Make Great Holiday Gifts

    It's that time of the year again!  HOLIDAYS!!!!  Yeah! We love the holidays because we get to get together with family and friends and share good times, good food and good memories.  We also get to shop for presents for the people we love (and sometimes for people we are obligated to get presents for)   Either way, we have a fantastic solution for your holiday gift giving - Heavenly acupressure mats and pillows! Heavenly Acupressure Mat and Pillows Are a Down-to-Earth Solution  ...

    Posted at November 30, 2011 | By : | Categories : Acupressure mats Acupressure mat,Blog | 0 Comment
  • Natural Stress Relief With The Heavenly Acupressure Mat

    Natural Stress Relief With The Heavenly Acupressure Mat Alleviate stress and tension naturally without drugs! How you may ask? Thousands of people have found help with regular use of an acupressure mat! The Heavenly acupressure mat design incorporates the principles of acupressure to help promote relaxation and tension relief. It is like having thousands of tiny fingers simultaneously applying pressure to your body. Suitable for any age, this ‘massage mat’ stimulates blood circulation and helps relieve stress and pain. Lying on an ...

    Posted at October 24, 2011 | By : | Categories : Acupressure mats Acupressure mat,Blog | 0 Comment
  • Acupressure Mats In The News | Reviews

    Acupressure mats, yes, those mats with over 8,800 spikes are gaining popularity i the USA at a very fast rate.   Acupressure mats have been in the news, written about and reviewed by bloggers, and  featured on TV in shows like the Dr. Oz show, CBS News & ABC News.   Acupressure mats are already highly successful in Europe, and  were selected "Christmas Gift Of ...

    Posted at September 20, 2011 | By : | Categories : Acupressure mats Acupressure mat,Blog | 2 Comments
  • Acupressure mats featured on the Dr. Oz Show again | Buy your acupressure mat here

    Dr. Oz featured the acupressure mat on his show again on 9-1-11 as one of his three selected Weight Loss Must Haves.  You can lose weight by stimulating your acupressure points in your back with an acupressure mat, Dr. Oz said.  The acupressure mat he featured on his show has 8,820  spikes that  stimulate the skin and pressure points in your ...

    Posted at September 1, 2011 | By : | Categories : Acupressure mats Acupressure mat,Blog | 0 Comment
  • Acupressure Pillows Now Available | Buy Your Acupressure Pillows Here

    Acupressure Pillows Now Available | Buy Your Acupressure Pillows Here Because of the incredible results people have been getting when using the Heavenly acupressure mats, we have been scrambling to keep the acupressure mats in stock.  We are very pleased to be making available such a wonderful product that so many find highly beneficial and we continue to strive to get them to you ...

    Posted at August 22, 2011 | By : | Categories : Acupressure mats Acupressure mat,Blog | 1 Comment
  • Natural Effective Pain Relief Using Acupuncture & Acupressure | Acupressure Mats

    Natural Effective Pain Relief Using Acupuncture & Acupressure | Acupressure Mats Acupuncture is now a popular alternative therapy for natural pain relief.   Acupuncture has been used in China for over 2,000 years , making it one of the oldest known, and most commonly used medical procedures in the world.  Acupuncture has become very popular in the United States in the past 20 years with over ...

    Posted at August 18, 2011 | By : | Categories : Acupressure mats Acupressure mat,Blog | 0 Comment
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