
Acupressure Mats In The News | Reviews

Posted at September 20, 2011 | By : | Categories : Acupressure mats Acupressure mat,Blog | 2 Comments

<?php bloginfo(Heavenly Acupressure Mat Blog:Acupressure Mat Reviews | Acupressure Mats In The News ); ?><?php wp_title(); ?>

Acupressure mats, yes, those mats with over 8,800 spikes are gaining popularity i the USA at a very fast rate.   Acupressure mats have been in the news, written about and reviewed by bloggers, and  featured on TV in shows like the Dr. Oz show, CBS News & ABC News.   Acupressure mats are already highly successful in Europe, and  were selected "Christmas Gift Of The Year" in Sweden and Finland.  More than one in ten Swedes own an acupressure mat now.

Testimonials and reviews from users who are loving their Heavenly acupressure mats are pouring in and we wanted to share with you some of these acupressure mat reviews with you.

Some testimonials: 

 I LOVE it! I bought the Heavenly Acupressure Mat for meditation and just an excuse to take a time out to relax but I ended up with so much more! Initially, i couldn't see how falling asleep on it would be possible, but i soon found out that within 5 minutes, my body quieted, two or so minutes after that, my mind quieted and a sense of total relaxation and peacefulness came over me…  I woke up surprisingly refreshed and rested. Thanks so much for a great product! I am so glad i watched Dr. Oz that day, boasting the benefits of these mats and very impressed by the quality of these mats, your customer service by answering my questions before i ordered this mat, and how quickly i received my order. And the price! cant beat it!


I am a single mother of 6..and YES I gave birth to each of them =) I worked for years as a waitress and then for years at a desk job.   For 10 years I've suffered with back pain.   This acupressure mat. This mat is the only relief I've had for some time, even with massage therapy!  I am so completely pain free right now after my very first 20 minute session! In fact, I can't wait to get back on! The euphoria that came after the prickly sensation is indescribably awesome!   I am extremely grateful!  The best part of all is I can experience this whenever I want!!! It's great!I will recommend this product to everyone, whether they're experiencing pain or not, I think it is an all around must have for daily living! Thank you so so so much! xx
Natalie Weeks

I just want to say thank you. I am a bartender and on my feet all day. I lay on the mat and watch my favorite show for an hour, then stand for 10 mins. Afterwards, I drink a glass of water and go to bed. My body just melts and I drift off to sleep.
Dana Russo, Las Vegas

I'm really loving my acupressure mat.
Jennifer, Las Vegas

This mat is a wonder. Since using it my back pain has all but disappeared. I use it daily, for 30-40 minutes and feel totally relaxed. Would recommend it highly.
Yazzy, Arizona

See more acupressure mat reviews here.


Accupressure mat acupresure mat accupresure mat  accpressure mat acupresure mat accupresure mat


See the The Dr. Oz Show review of the halsa acupressure mat here.

The Heavenly Acupressure mats have been reviewed by many bloggers as well and here are a few of the acupressure mats blogger reviews:

Cake Mom

Christin Banda : The ABCD Dairies

Health Holistic Living

Always Sick Chick

Simply Stacie

Living In The Real World

Video reviews of the Heavenly acupressure mats:

My Favorite Vegan Things

Mels Healthy Alternatives

Heavenly Acupressure Mat Video Reviews

Jules the cat, loves the Heavenly acupressure mat too.                              Photo courtesy of Valerie –

Acupressure mat reviews in the news:

New York Times  acupressure mat review

ABC News reviews acupressure mats

CNBC News reviews acupressure mat

More news and blogger acupressure mats reviews available here.

We believe that you are going to see more and more press on acupressure mats and as the holiday season approaches, acupressure mats are bound to be on top of many Holiday Gift Guides lists.

Want an acupressure mat?  Visit  for more information or to buy your Heavenly Acupresure mat  today!



  • JJ

    September 26, 2011 at 12:04 pm

    This is a great write up on acupressure mat reviews.   Love the link to the Dr. Oz show, and the CBS news review of the acupressure mats for pain relief.  These reviews on acupressure mats are from legitimate sources, and real people.  Thank you for posting this.

  • Marni

    August 21, 2012 at 11:26 pm

    Great insight! That’s the anwesr we’ve been looking for.

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