
Natural Stress Relief With The Heavenly Acupressure Mat

Posted at October 24, 2011 | By : | Categories : Acupressure mats Acupressure mat,Blog | 0 Comment

Natural Stress Relief With The Heavenly Acupressure Mat

Alleviate stress and tension naturally without drugs!
How you may ask?
Thousands of people have found help with regular use of an acupressure mat!

The Heavenly acupressure mat design incorporates the principles of acupressure to help promote relaxation and tension relief. It is like having thousands of tiny fingers simultaneously applying pressure to your body. Suitable for any age, this ‘massage mat’ stimulates blood circulation and helps relieve stress and pain.

Lying on an acupressure mat for 15 to 20 minutes a day helps stimulate increased blood circulation and the release of naturally occurring tension relieving hormones in your body. Feel your tension melt away.

Use it at the office or while relaxing at home in front of your television after a long hard day. It is portable and easy to use anytime, anywhere. Great for people with stress, tension, back and neck pain, headaches and migraines. The Heavenly acupressure mat has received many great reviews and testimonials. See a few acupressure mat reviews here.

The Heavenly Acupressure Mat, was $49.99 Buy Now For Only $29.99

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