
  • Benefits Of Acupressure | How Acupressure Works

    Health Benefits Of Acupressure |  How Acupressure Works Acupressure is currently used as a treatment for  many health conditions and disorders.  It is used by many in the management of stress,  for relief from muscular distress or arthritic conditions, as well as in the relief of physical  pain and discomfort caused by sports and athletics. The use of acupressure not only helps relax muscular tension and stress, it helps balance all aspects of the being including the physical body, emotions, ...

    Posted at October 4, 2013 | By : | Categories : Uncategorized | 0 Comment
  • Acupressure mats for weight loss

    Lose Weight With An Acupressure Mat Can an acupressure mat help me lose weight? The answer is YES! When you lie down on an acupressure mat, there are multiple things that happen to your body. 1.   Increased blood circulation 2.  Increase flow of oxygen throughout your body (and especially the area treated with the acupressure mat) 3.  Reduced stress 4.  Stimulation of acupressure points in your body that help unblock stagnation (of energy channels) and improve the flow of energy throughout your body 5.  Production of ...

    Posted at September 9, 2013 | By : | Categories : Acupressure mats Acupressure mat,Uncategorized | 0 Comment
  • Chronic Back Pain Gone After Using The Heavenly Acupressure Mat

    Chronic Back Pain Gone After Using The Heavenly Acupressure Mat Testimonial By J Parks of Thomasville, NC July 2013   I have had chronic unexplained back pain for over 30 years. At first it would come for a few days to a week and then not bother me for months, till about 2 years ago it came and didn't leave. I've been to doctors who said they couldn't see anything.   Others said maybe (it was) stress ...

    Posted at August 13, 2013 | By : | Categories : Acupressure mats Acupressure mat | 0 Comment
  • Best Sleep Ever!!! I Love The Heavenly Acupressure Mat

    Best Sleep Ever!!!   I Love the Heavenly acupressure mat! My first though when I got the acupressure mat was that it was nuts that this thing full of spikes could do what people said it could do - better sleep, pain relief, relaxations, and more... It looked more like a torture device than a relaxation aid. After reading the instructions, I used the mat with a t-shirt on but did not feel much, so off came the shirt and WHOA! - this ...

    Posted at April 4, 2013 | By : | Categories : Uncategorized | 0 Comment
  • Acupressure Mat Video | How To Use Your Acupressure Mat

    A short video showing how to use your acupressure mat. This video shows you how to use your acupressure mat with the most common positions,  and some of the  different parts of your body that can benefit from using an acupressure mat: You may see the acupressure mat positions here as well: Mat Positions

    Posted at March 26, 2013 | By : | Categories : Acupressure mats Acupressure mat | 0 Comment
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