
  • Acupressure Pillows reviewed on the Dr. Oz Show for natural pain relief.

    Acupressure Pillows for pain relief reviewed on the Dr. Oz Show Dr. Oz reviewed acupressure pillows on his show on natural pain relievers last week.  According to Dr. Oz, the acupressure pillow changes the way your nerves react.  Dr Oz had Christina try the acupressure pillow and she said it was comfortable and “this was one product I could use.” The pillows work using the principles of acupressure to stimulate nerves and acupressure points in the neck and upper head area.  The ...

    Posted at February 24, 2012 | By : | Categories : Uncategorized | 3 Comments
  • Happy Holidays from Heavenly Acupressure Mats Company

    Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Fantastic New Year! Heavenly acupressure mats and pillows have been a very popular  Christmas gift this year and we trust that your loved ones will benefit from your gift that keeps on giving,  for years to come. Relax, Renew, Recharge, with the Heavenly acupressure mats and pillows! Gratefully, The Heavenly Team

    Posted at December 22, 2011 | By : | Categories : Blog | 0 Comment
  • Heavenly Acupressure Mats & Pillows Make Great Holiday Gifts

    It's that time of the year again!  HOLIDAYS!!!!  Yeah! We love the holidays because we get to get together with family and friends and share good times, good food and good memories.  We also get to shop for presents for the people we love (and sometimes for people we are obligated to get presents for)   Either way, we have a fantastic solution for your holiday gift giving - Heavenly acupressure mats and pillows! Heavenly Acupressure Mat and Pillows Are a Down-to-Earth Solution  ...

    Posted at November 30, 2011 | By : | Categories : Acupressure mats Acupressure mat,Blog | 0 Comment
  • Natural Stress Relief With The Heavenly Acupressure Mat

    Natural Stress Relief With The Heavenly Acupressure Mat Alleviate stress and tension naturally without drugs! How you may ask? Thousands of people have found help with regular use of an acupressure mat! The Heavenly acupressure mat design incorporates the principles of acupressure to help promote relaxation and tension relief. It is like having thousands of tiny fingers simultaneously applying pressure to your body. Suitable for any age, this ‘massage mat’ stimulates blood circulation and helps relieve stress and pain. Lying on an ...

    Posted at October 24, 2011 | By : | Categories : Acupressure mats Acupressure mat,Blog | 0 Comment
  • Acupressure Mats In The News | Reviews

    Acupressure mats, yes, those mats with over 8,800 spikes are gaining popularity i the USA at a very fast rate.   Acupressure mats have been in the news, written about and reviewed by bloggers, and  featured on TV in shows like the Dr. Oz show, CBS News & ABC News.   Acupressure mats are already highly successful in Europe, and  were selected "Christmas Gift Of ...

    Posted at September 20, 2011 | By : | Categories : Acupressure mats Acupressure mat,Blog | 2 Comments
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